
What “Gateway” is?

Gateway is a device that allows you to connect your local network to Acreto and secure whole network traffic and end-user devices without configuring them one-by-one. Take a look at the images below to compare standard network connection with the network secured by Acreto with the Gateway method.

Gateway may be configured in IPsec or vGateway mode. Each of these configurations may be used for different purposes and in different network structures:

  • choose vGateway when you want to download a preconfigured Acreto vGateway appliance and install it on a Raspberry Pi device or some virtualization platform (like KVM or VMware)
  • choose IPSec if you prefer to manually configure your existing device (like router or Linux machine) which supports IPSec protocol

To create a Gateway, you need to:

  1. Create a Gateway object inside your Ecosystem
  2. Create one or more security policies to allow traffic from that Gateway to the Internet